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Buy It Now

When you see the icon next to a listing or see a Buy It Now price listed on an item page, you have a special opportunity to get that item right away without waiting for an online auction to end.

Using Buy It Now is simple.

  1. Decide whether you're willing to buy the item for the Buy It Now price. Please remember, shipping and handling charges are not included in the Buy It Now price. You may need to contact the seller to determine the total price of the item. The shipping cost and other charges will be displayed in the listing description.
  2. Click the Buy It Now button at the bottom of the item page and enter your HubSwirl Username and password.
  3. You'll see a Buy It Now confirmation message. Continue only if you are sure about buying the item.
  4. Pay for the item, and the seller ships it to you.

The Buy It Now option is only shown on listings until an item receives its first bid, or, for a Reserve Price Auction, when the reserve is met. This means that when you see an item has both a Buy It Now price and a first bid price listed, you will need to act quickly!

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